Hier können Sie den schweizerischen, deutschen und österreichischen Führerschein online kaufen


Buy Swiss driver's license, also called Swiss driver's license or Swiss driver's license, is a legal document that allows individuals to drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Switzerland.

In order to obtain a Swiss driver's license, a person must first pass a series of tests and meet certain requirements set by the Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO). These requirements include:

1. Minimum age: The minimum age for acquiring a Swiss driving license is 18 for cars and 16 for mopeds and scooters.

2. Medical Fitness: Applicants must be in good health and meet certain vision requirements to ensure safe driving.

3. Theory Test: All applicants must pass a written theory test that covers traffic rules, regulations, and safety practices.

4. Practical test: After passing the theoretical test, a practical driving test must be taken, in which the ability to safely drive a vehicle on public roads is proven.

5. Driving lessons: Depending on the license class, the applicant must complete a certain number of driving lessons under the supervision of an approved driving instructor.

1. The Swiss driving license is issued in three categories:

2. Category A: Allows individuals to drive motorcycles and scooters.

3. Category B: Allows individuals to drive passenger cars and small trucks.

4. Category C: Allows individuals to operate large trucks and utility vehicles.

Once acquired, the Swiss driving license is valid for ten years, after which it must be renewed. The driver's license can also be revoked or suspended if the driver breaks traffic rules or causes an accident. Buy Real Swiss Driving License

Buy a German driver's license , also known as a driver's license, is a legal document that allows individuals to drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Germany. 


In order to obtain a German driver's license, a person must first pass a series of tests and meet certain requirements set by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). These requirements include:

1. Minimum age: The minimum age for acquiring a German driving license is 18 for cars and 16 for mopeds and scooters.

2. Medical Fitness: Applicants must be in good health and meet certain vision requirements to ensure safe driving.

3. Theory Test: All applicants must pass a written theory test that covers traffic rules, regulations, and safety practices.

4. Practical test: After passing the theoretical test, a practical driving test must be taken, in which the ability to safely drive a vehicle on public roads is proven.

5. Erste-Hilfe-Kurs: Alle Bewerber müssen einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs absolvieren.

Der deutsche Führerschein wird in vier Kategorien ausgestellt:

1. Category A: Allows individuals to drive motorcycles and scooters.

2. Category B: Allows individuals to operate passenger cars and small trucks.

3. Category C: Allows individuals to operate large trucks and utility vehicles.

4. Category D: Allows individuals to operate buses and other passenger transport vehicles.

The German driver's license, once obtained, is valid for 15 years, after which it must be renewed. The driver's license can also be revoked or suspended if the driver breaks traffic rules or causes an accident. Buy a German driver's license

Buy Austria driver's license online , also known as driver's license, is a legal document that allows individuals to drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Austria.

In order to obtain an Austrian driver's license, a person must first pass a series of tests and meet certain requirements set by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. These requirements include:

1. Minimum age: The minimum age for obtaining an Austrian driving license is 18 years for cars and motorcycles and 16 years for mopeds and scooters.

2. Medizinische Tauglichkeit: Bewerber müssen bei guter Gesundheit sein und bestimmte Sehanforderungen erfüllen, um ein sicheres Fahren zu gewährleisten.

3. Theorieprüfung: Alle Bewerber müssen eine schriftliche Theorieprüfung bestehen, die Verkehrsregeln, Vorschriften und Sicherheitspraktiken umfasst.

4. Praktische Prüfung: Nach bestandener theoretischer Prüfung muss eine praktische Fahrprüfung abgelegt werden, bei der die Fähigkeit zum sicheren Führen eines Fahrzeugs im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr nachgewiesen wird.

5. Fahrschule: Je nach Führerscheinklasse muss der Bewerber eine bestimmte Anzahl von Fahrstunden bei einem zugelassenen Fahrlehrer absolvieren.

Der österreichische Führerschein wird in fünf Kategorien ausgestellt, nämlich:

1. Kategorie A: Ermöglicht Einzelpersonen das Führen von Motorrädern und Motorrollern.

2. Category B: Allows individuals to operate passenger cars and small trucks.

3. Category C: Allows individuals to operate large trucks and utility vehicles.

4. Category D: Allows individuals to operate buses and other passenger transport vehicles.

5. Category F: Authorized to drive agricultural and forestry vehicles.

The Austrian driver's license is valid for 15 years after receipt, after which it must be renewed. The driver's license can also be revoked or suspended if the driver breaks traffic rules or causes an accident. Buy Austria driving license online

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Business Name : Real Documents
Country : switzerland
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E-mail : info@echtedokumente.ch
Website : https://echtedokumente.ch/


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